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Kate Threloff

Coaches Comments

Kate worked out right up until the day she went into labor. We were all blown away to see her come back a month after giving birth, then do the Opens and score in the top three in multiple weeks. - The CrossFit Meriden coaches

What is the biggest change you’ve seen in yourself since you started CrossFit?

I have been doing CrossFit for almost 6 years now so it's hard to remember what life was like before CrossFit! But I think the biggest change I've seen in myself over the last 6 years is that I've discovered how much stronger I am than I thought I was. And I don't necessarily mean my physical strength, but my mental strength. It's in those long, enduring workouts when you just want to quit that I'm always amazed how much I love being in that space a.k.a the "pain cave"!

What do you like about it?

CrossFit is so unique in that there is always something for you to work on. Even the best athletes always have something they can get better at, so it keeps you coming back day after day. I also absolutely love the community aspect of CrossFit. We aren't a gym where you put your headphones in and never talk to anyone; a lot of my best friends now are people that I have met at CrossFit over the years. And not to mention I met my husband, Brandon T., at CrossFit, so it always has a special importance to me.

What is your favorite CrossFit movement?

It's so hard to choose just one! I love long, endurance focused workouts so I would say my favorite movements are things like air squats, burpees and the bike.

What would you say to someone who wants to try it?

Just go for it! Everyone has to start somewhere, so even if you think you aren't "ready" for CrossFit, you are! There's an entire community here ready to cheer you on. You won't regret it.

What is something people might not know about you?

I still have all of my beanie babies from when I was a kid. My husband makes fun of me for still having them, but it's an impressive collection of hundreds of them! I plan to give them to my daughter once she's old enough to play with them.

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