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Jayme Phillips

Coaches Comments

Jayme has impressed me since the moment she came in for her first class. CrossFit is about being well and chipping away, rep by rep, week by week, to move ourselves towards greater wellness. Jayme has worked relentlessly to be her best self. You’ll see her running in at 5:45, rushing to change to make class despite many long days at work. When she broke her ankle, she recovered in stride, still showing up each day and modifying the workout so that even with an injury, she was working toward her best self.

Most recently Jayme has found herself starting to find her groove at CrossFit. She’s found a nutrition plan that works well for her despite her crazy work schedule and strives to stay consistent. She also has been crushing new movements and honing her technique in OLY. She strings together chest to bar, regularly surprises herself with new PRs in OLY class, and is about 1 millimeter away from executing a muscle up. It’s incredible really as a coach. This is all you could ever want from an athlete: someone who shows up and puts the work in; doesn’t make excuses; and regularly seeks feedback and improvement. I’m so damn proud to coach Jayme and to be motivated by her tenacity. She’s a model for others to follow and to boot, she’s an incredible human being. She’s seen incredible physical and mental gains in the past couple of years. - Coach Giana

What is the biggest change you’ve seen in yourself since you started CrossFit? Aside from just being healthier in general, I would say the biggest change I have noticed is that I make better choices with my meals and activity. I know it will be ten times harder to do a WOD if I haven't eaten the right proportions of my macros through out the day, and I choose to walk or take the stairs more often than before in an attempt to not suck wind constantly during our workouts. What do you like about it? The thing I like most about CrossFit is that it is rewarding in so many ways. Learning new skills, improving form, setting new PRs and getting stronger, if you work hard at something in CrossFit it will show in one way or another. Everyone has obstacles in their daily lives that are difficult and challenging, and I feel that with CrossFit you can set goals and see improvement and prove to yourself that you CAN do hard things, not just in the gym but in general. It is a great feeling when you get that lift you've been working on or that gymnastics skill that you've been trying to do. For me, that feeling is what keeps me motivated and coming back every day.

What is your favorite CrossFit movement? Toes to Bar, they were very scary and hard for me for a long time because you really have to use every muscle in your body to string them together. Now I'm able to use good form and do them quickly in work outs without dropping down. I feel that they are a good indicator of how far I have come since I started two years and fifty pounds ago.

What would you say to someone who wants to try it? Absolutely give it a try, it may seem intimidating at first but the coaches and other members will support you and help you along the way, it is definitely worth it!

What is something people might not know about you? I cheered competitively for over ten years and won a few New England and National titles with my teams (it's way cooler than it sounds I swear. Look on YouTube for East Celebrity Elite.)

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