Saundra Hemphill

Coaches Comments
She has been with us from the beginning and has been really pushing herself. Saundra comes to many competitions and supports our members. She asks a lot of good questions and is consistent. She has a great attitude that can't help but make you feel better and make you smile. We are lucky to have her as part of our community!
How did you hear about CrossFit Meriden?
I heard about CrossFit Meriden from taking Annie's classes at the Y.
Why did you start at CrossFit Meriden?
I started at CrossFit Meriden to try something new since the best workout is the one that you will actually do.
What is the biggest change you’ve seen in yourself since you started CrossFit?
The biggest change is my focus on nutrition and fitness.
What do you like about it?
I like the drive and determination you see in yourself and others including the coaches.
What would you say to someone who wants to try it?
If someone wants to try CrossFit Meriden I would say definitely give it a try. It is a very supportive and positive environment. The coaches are very patient.
What is something people might not know about you?
People may not know I grew up in small town named Montville in the days when there was no Mohegan Sun. It's always nice to visit that area.