Coach Brandon Keegan
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer (CF-L1)
CPR Certified
Coach Brandon (Coach B) coaches:
Adult Classes
Kids Classes
Sports Teams (ex. Meriden Raiders Football Offseason, Stamford Hockey)
OnRamp (Introductory Class)
Fitness and Sports have always played a major role in my life. When I finally decided to break out of my stale weightlifting and try something new, I was introduced to Crossfit but was skeptical. However, upon participating in a class setting I have been hooked ever since. It really drives you physically and mentally more than anything I have ever done before. It forces you to bust out of that comfort zone you have put yourself in. It not only is the best form of fitness, but it challenges you to make fitness become part of your daily lifestyle. I have been part of the CFME coaching crew since opening day and would not want to be anywhere else. Working closely under Coach Mark Waters who has been around the Crossfit block a few times with experience at a ton of boxes, has pushed me to really excel at coaching on that extra level. (Yes, Coach Mark that was a shoutout). Nothing more satisfying than watching the CFME community grow and improve as a group and that sweet sweet sound of the PR bell ringing.
"What does Coach Brandon Bring to CFME"
Besides knowledge, experience, motivation; ENERGY is the biggest thing I bring to the class. It makes the class more spicy and really drives the CFME community and athletes that extra mile.
"Coach Brandon's Quote for CFME"
"We don't use Machines, We build them"